tim pane
Chief executive officer
Before launching MyHOUSE Sports Gear, I operated a convenience store situated along a rural route adjacent to a bridge. Unfortunately, the state's decision to close the bridge rendered the convenience store less accessible to customers. Seeking supplemental income on weekends, I recognized the burgeoning popularity of MMA and considered selling MMA gear as a viable option to alleviate financial strain. Following two years of part-time involvement in MMA gear sales, I made the decision to shutter the convenience store and commit fully to MyHOUSE Sports Gear.
I love my job! There are numerous aspects to cherish. Among them, my utmost favorite is the MHSG Staff. I believe our team is exceptional, each member bringing their own distinctive qualities. They consistently give their all, and without their dedication, MHSG wouldn't have achieved its current standing.
You can contact me by email at tpane@myhousesportsgear.com