October was full of excitement for the MyHOUSE family. We had the privilege of being the official wrestling brand for 23 countries in the Senior World Championships in Budapest, Hungary.
Tim Pane, got the chance of a lifetime to travel to Budapest to watch and support all of the amazing wrestlers there. He even got to stay with the wrestlers from Team Jamaica for a night, thanks to our friend and Jamaica coach, Aurelio Valdez.
MyHOUSE athletes earned a total of 5 medals while in Budapest. Yowlys Bonne from Team Cuba, earned gold to become a world champion! Team Cuba also scored bronze with Alejandro Valdes Tobier, Frankie Maren, Lianna Montero Herrera and Oscar Pino Hinds! Special shoutout to Alejandra Romero Bonilla from Team Mexico. She came out to Budapest, by herself, to compete in worlds. She killed it and placed in 5th! All of the wrestlers were amazing and put up a tough fight. Congratulations to everyone. You all looked pretty sick in your MyHOUSE singlets too.
Check out highlights on our social pages.
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